Common Water Heater Problems and How to Fix Them -There’s nothing quite as satisfying as a hot shower. But if you turn your shower handle and find the hot water isn’t working, you may wonder what went wrong.
While isolated faucet issues can interfere with your desired water temperature, cold water coming out of your shower or faucet usually indicates a problem with your water heater. Let’s take a look at the different reasons why your water heater might not be working along with the proper replacements. Contact a top-rated professional for water heater services if you don’t have hot water in your home.
6 Reasons Why Your Hot Water Isn’t Working
When asking why your hot water isn’t working, it’s important to know the different reasons why you could experience water heater issues in your home. In most cases, it’s difficult to diagnose exactly why your hot water isn’t working unless you call a professional.
1. Water Heater Tank Is Leaking
Leaking water tanks can cause a host of problems in your home, making it one of the more dangerous signs of water heater decline. If you notice water pooling under your hot water heater, there’s a good chance your system will require a replacement. Check the valves, connections, and pipes from your water tank to investigate the source of the leak; if every component appears to be undamaged, call the professionals to perform a replacement.
2. Broken Thermostat
Incorrect thermostat settings can render your water heater ineffective, so make sure you set the thermostat somewhere between 122ºF and 140ºF. You can resolve a tripped high-temperature cutoff switch by shutting off your system’s power, resetting the breaker, and restoring power. Otherwise, higher-level damage won’t respond to a simple system reset and will require a professional replacement.
3. Tripped Circuit (or Another Electrical Problem)
Your home’s circuit breakers protect your electrical infrastructure from power surges and the damage they can cause. When you use multiple high-powered appliances at the same time, you might trip a breaker. If any of these breakers connect to your hot water heater, the system won’t function until you reset the breaker and restore power.
4. Pilot Light Went Out
Homes with a gas water heater might rely on a pilot light to fuel the heating process. Flames that go out will stop the heating process immediately. To regain hot water in your home, follow these steps to relight your pilot light:
Turn off the regulator for about 10 minutes, allowing any lingering gas to clear from the area.
Turn the ignition knob to “pilot,” and hold it there for about a minute. Heaters with a self-ignition will light after switching it from “pilot” to “on.”
For systems without a self-ignition function, you should use a long lighter to relight the pilot while holding the knob on “pilot.”
Wait another five minutes for the heater to restore hot water in your home.
5. Gas Leak or Valve Failure
If you’re asking why your hot water isn’t working, you should also be wondering if any leaks are occurring in your system. For gas water heaters, gas line leaks and valve failure are two of the main culprits of hot water issues. Examine your gas line to check for a safe connection and to rule out hazardous gas leaks, both of which require professional maintenance and repairs.
6. Broken Heating Parts
When the heating element of your water heater breaks, it’s time for a total system replacement. Attempting to replace the heating element on any water heater that’s over 10 years old is a waste of time and money.
Is It Time to Upgrade Your Water Heater?
- Your traditional water heater is over 10 years old
- Your tankless water heater is over 20 years old
- Requires are required more frequently
- Repair costs are increasing
- Damage like rust and corrosion is visible
- Strange noises and odors are produced during the operation
- Your water heater can’t reach the desired temperature even after repairs and maintenance